BONES OG Formula 100's 54mm V5 Sidecut wheels - Skateboard Wielen  Productprestaties: Veel skaters gaan ervan uit dat de prestaties en kwaliteit van skatewielen allemaal hetzelfde zi... Lees meer

BONES OG Formula 100's 54mm V5 Sidecut wheels - Skateboard Wielen 

Productprestaties: Veel skaters gaan ervan uit dat de prestaties en kwaliteit van skatewielen allemaal hetzelfde zijn. Een wiel is een wiel is een wiel, zeggen ze vaak. Dat is eigenlijk niet het geval. Er bestaan ​​zelfs zeer grote verschillen tussen de grondstoffen, het productieproces, de kwaliteitscontrole en de prestaties van verschillende wielmerken. Tot nu toe was de reputatie van een wiel echter een combinatie van markthype, marktspier, ondersteuning van skaters en mond-tot-mondreclame. De populariteit van Bones-wielen is grotendeels het resultaat van superieure kwaliteit, prestaties en duurzaamheid.



V5 Sidecut

original formula 100a



Product Performance: Many skaters assume the performance and quality of skate wheels are all the same. A wheel is a wheel is a wheel, they might often say. That's actually not the case. In fact, very large differences exist between the raw materials, manufacturing process, quality control and performance of different wheel brands. Up until now though, a wheel's reputation has been a combination of market hype, market muscle, skater support and word of mouth. Bones wheels popularity is largely a result of superior quality, performance and durability.

Real Value: BONES may not be the lowest-priced wheel, but our abrasion test chart shows why Bones is the best value. After all, what good is a cheaper wheel if it flat spots the first day? BONES wheels offer the best combination of product performance, durability, quality, and customer service available today. In other words, you might be able to find a lower price, but never a better value.

Our Strength: All BONES WHEEL unique formulas are solely developed and produced in our own manufacturing plant located in Santa Barbara, CA. Using drastically different physical and engineering properties for each formula, BONES creates unique urethanes for specific applications of skateboarding.


Wheel Core None

Wheel Diameter 54mm

Wheel Width 31mm

Wheel Hardness 100a

Wheel Formula SBA

Wheel Color Black

Wheel Suggested Use Street

Wheel Surface Smooth

Test 3

Bones - OG Formula 100's 54mm V5 Sidecut wheels - Skateboard Wielen

34,95 24,95

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